
Episode 4: Energy Transitions Need Societal Changes

15 April 2019 eric morel 0

Energy transitions are global movements in which many actors have a very different role: the regulators set a frame or promote the evolutions, the citizens alert and are used to initiate many changes, the big actors try to favor the movement while protecting their interests […]


The difficult economic equation of DSOs

11 March 2019 eric morel 0

Definitely, the DSOs have a lot of hassle! Although evolving in a so-called regulated environment, I already mentioned the fact that they live a situation close to that of a real competition. But another difficulty presents itself to them, in the form of a puzzle […]


Energy providers: the skills that make the difference

11 February 2019 eric morel 0

Historical suppliers have experienced the time when technical expertise, including network management, dominated because they allowed, in integrated utilities, to ensure the essential: continuity of service and the quality of energy supplied. We were then in a “pushed” value where the energy provider delivered a […]

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